Friday, May 2, 2008

The Perfect Pop Singles

The start of a recurring feature on my blog. Perfect pop singles. Sometimes talking about music really is like dancing about furniture, allow me to act as your VJ once again!

Don Henley - "Boys Of Summer"

The Beach Boys - "Good Vibrations"

The Beatles - "A Hard Day's Night"

Big Star - "September Gurls" (Yes my blog title is a reference to this song)

Cheap Trick - "Surrender"

Green Day - "Holiday"

The Raspberries - "Tonight"

Squeeze - "Tempted"

Elvis Costello - "Oliver's Army"

Bruce Springsteen - "Hungry Heart"

I'm sure I'll come up with more in the future. Enjoy and (perchance) discuss!


1 comment:

Sean said...

Video-centric? No kidding. Great collection though-Hard Days night being my favorite. My Niece s not yet two and I got her onto some beatles love already...'Love me Do' being her favorite.

Rhane prefers metal ;)
